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Static hair. How to combat this typically winter problem?

By CN!

how-to-combat-static-hair-problem.jpgIn the winter, when we take our hats off or get into a lift, wisps of our hair start floating around our face and stick to it. Why does it happen? Why does hair get affected by static during winter? What should we do to prevent this?

Static Hair – Causes

Hair as well as fibres of fabrics and dust particles located in a dry room are charged with positive ions. When the particles penetrate hair structure, this is exactly when the laws of physics start their action: ions charged alike, so hair and the particles, start repelling each other. In winter, these are the radiators as well as wearing downy jackets and cotton hats, scarves and sweaters that cause this physical phenomenon.

Static Hair – How to combat it?

Application of appropriate hair products

In order to prevent hair static it’s necessary to reach for appropriate cosmetics to treat the strands with. It doesn’t have to be spray, conditioner or shampoo aiming static-prone hair. Instead, you can go for regular moisturising preparations. Actually, you can make a good use of products containing silk, yet try to avoid silicones since this substance intensifies the problem even more.

However, if we don’t have money to spend on specialistic cosmetics, you can go for an old, well-tested recipe. To demonstrate, wash the hair and dry it with a towel. Then, apply an egg yolk mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil. Rinse the mixture off with water combined with lemon juice.

Hair drying using cool air stream

Although drying hair with the aid of warm air stream during winter is definitely pleasant, it’s better to avoid it. Hot air encourages hair static.

Using wooden combs and brushes made of natural bristle

Combs and brushes made either of metal or plastic encourage single wisps to lift up and, additionally, we can be ‘socked’.

Wearing hats made of natural fibres, for example cotton

Headwear itself doesn’t make hair static. These are the synthetic materials that are responsible for this hair problem.

Tongue-in-cheek tips:

  • for the lazy:
    The more dehydrated hair is, the easier it is for it to get static. So don’t wash your hair – greasy hair won’t be static-prone any longer.
  • for minimalists:
    It’s the hair only that gets static. Get rid of it! The problem will disappear immediately.

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