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What skin type do you have?

By CN!

Combination or normal or dry skin. Do you know what kind of skin you have? Keep reading to find out the difference.

Normal skin type is the one all would like to have. It does not require a lot of effort and attention. It is matte and soft. Normal skin has normally pink undertontone. The colour is even and there are no major skin discolouration. People who have a normal skin do not suffer from weather changes. The skin does not react with breakouts and there are no dry patches on it. If you would like to undergo chemical, acid treatment and your skin is normal, you are the perfect candidate. The skin routine should involve exfoliating once every fortnight and moisturizing once a day.

Dry skin is much more problematic and it requires deep hydration on the daily basis. Dry skin easily cracks due to harsh weather conditions. On the other hand, central heating inside buildings can cause its further dehydration. It is important to protect your skin from harmful sun exposure and keep it moisturized at all times. Unfortunately, dry skin ages very quickly. If you would like to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, you should start taking care of your skin when you are in your mid-twenties.

Oily skin may not look flattering but the good news is that it ages very slowly. Most men have oily skin therefore; they still look attractive even if they already hit 40. Remember to use only light, water based face creams. Choose the beauty products that has strong mattifying properties to keep your sebum production at bay. Do the face scrub every week to remove the oil excess?

Combination complexion is the most difficult in terms of daily care. You will have some areas of the face that are very dry and other where the sebum production is very high. Apart from using deep moisturizer, you should also make sure that you always use light creams in the T-Zone. You can apply a special mattifying base in the T-zone before putting the foundation on. Always set the make up with translucide powder.

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