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Tea tree oil in beauty industry – properties and use

By CN!

Tea tree oil in skin and hair care has a common use. Its versatile use is appreciated not only in the cosmetology but also for at-home medicine. Check out below how it works, what are the properties and its use.

What is tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil has a light yellow color and characteristic scent (very intense, slightly clove-like). It is obtained from the tree growing in Australia and New Zeland.

Who can benefit from the use of tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil is recommended for people dealing with acne and other skin changes. It will come handy for itching and oily scalp. Tea tree oil refreshes feet, mouth, and armpits. Remember not to use tea tree oil for kids under the age of 6.

Tea tree oil – properties and action

  1. It holds antibacterial, anti-virus, and anti-fungal properties.
  2. It prevents inflammation, calms irritation and helps with wound healing.
  3. It scares away insects and soothes skin after bites.
  4. It improves immunity system.
  5. It relaxes and calms organism.
  6. It helps with flu, cold and runny nose.
  7. It regenerates, disinfects and cleanses the skin.
  8. It eliminates acne, cold sore, and wart.
  9. It flattens and lightens scars.

Use of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has numerous uses in the beauty industry, but also in the at-home medicine. It clears airways so it can be easily used for inhalations. What is more, it is a natural way to disinfect hands as well as inflamed gums and sore throat. When added to a bath it will bring relief to tense muscles. Tea tree oil is perfect for all cases of discomfort and aggravation. It can be used as an addition to the laundry, cleaning and removing the mold from the house.

Use of tea tree oil on the skin

For skincare, tea tree oil is used for the following circumstances:

  • fungal infection of feet and nails,
  • excessive perspiration,
  • acne skin,
  • excess sebum secretion,
  • psoriasis.

Use of tea tree oil on the hair

For hair care, tea tree oil is used for the following circumstances:

  • oily hair,
  • fungal and bacterial infection,
  • dandruff, itching, and prickling,
  • slow hair growth,
  • inappropriate hair bulbs nourishment.

How to use tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil can be applied directly to the skin or add it to a bath, toner, hair rinse or other product. During the treatment with this oil, it is better to avoid direct sun contact because the skin is very sensitive to UV radiation at this time.

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